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Figure 4 | BMC Physiology

Figure 4

From: TRPM channels are required for rhythmicity in the ultradian defecation rhythm of C. elegans

Figure 4

Interactions of gon-2;gtl-1 with itr-1, flr-1, kqt-3 and R08E3.4. A-B: We tested for interaction of gon-2(RNAi);gtl-1(RNAi) with other genes known to be involved in control of the defecation cycle. A: When gon-2 and gtl-1 are knocked down in itr-1(sa73) mutant animals, the cycle is severely disrupted. The percentage of worms which successfully performed one or more pBocs within 300 sec is shown. B: gon-2 and gtl-1 were knocked down in a flr-1(ut11) and kqt-3(tm542) animals. For each genotype we assayed worms that had been injected with dsRNA for the E. coli cat gene (control) and worms injected with dsRNA for gon-2 and gtl-1. The mean cycle length and the mean of the C.V. are shown. C: The increase in variability in gon-2(RNAi);gtl-1(RNAi) animals can be suppressed by RNAi of R08E3.4. R08E3.4 was knocked down using RNAi, in combination with a control (E. coli cat) or gon-2 and gtl-1. The mean cycle length and the mean of the C.V. are shown. Error bars are SEM in all panels.

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