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Figure 4 | BMC Physiology

Figure 4

From: Heart rate variability in conscious neonatal swine: spectral features and responses to short-term intermittent hypoxia

Figure 4

Panel A depicts R-R interval durations for an animal in the CON group over four baseline days (BLD1–BLD4). Panel B shows HRV spectra (bin width = 0.005 Hz) corresponding to full records (150 s long) of time series in Panel A. Panel C contains horizontal Box and Whisker plots of R-R interval durations for different segments of the ventilatory cycle: I, inspiration; IE, inspiratory to expiratory transition; E, expiration; EI, expiratory to inspiratory transition. The vertical line in each box represents the median value of R-R interval duration for each segment, the left and right boundaries of each box indicate the 25th and 75th percentile values, and left and right whiskers (resembling error bars) mark the 5th and 95th percentile values. Asterisks indicated that R-R interval durations occurring in either E or EI segments were significantly longer than those of either I or IE segments. The finding that R-R interval durations of EI segments were significantly longer than those of E segments is signified by the pound sign (#). Panel D shows a representative breath, inspiration down, with superimposed vertical lines indicating the temporal locations of R waves with reference to ventilatory segments: E, EI, I, and IE. The elapsed time between contiguous R waves, i.e., R-R interval durations, is given in seconds.

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