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Figure 3 | BMC Physiology

Figure 3

From: TRPM channels are required for rhythmicity in the ultradian defecation rhythm of C. elegans

Figure 3

The variability and mean of the defecation cycle can be altered independently. The mean of the defecation cycle was perturbed using environmental and genetic approaches. A: The effect of temperature on wild type and gon-2(RNAi);gtl-1(RNAi) animals. The mean period and mean of the C.V. are shown. Worms were grown and assayed at the test temperature. B: The effect of genetic mutations, clk-1 and clk-3, which alter the mean. For each genotype we assayed untreated worms (labelled no RNAi), worms that had been injected with dsRNA for the E. coli cat gene (control) and worms injected with dsRNA for gon-2 and gtl-1. The mean cycle length and the mean of the C.V. are shown. Error bars are SEM in all panels.

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