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Fig. 6 | BMC Physiology

Fig. 6

From: Regulation of Locomotor activity in fed, fasted, and food-restricted mice lacking tissue-type plasminogen activator

Fig. 6

Free-running Activity After Restricted Feeding. Representative actograms of fasting and food restriction protocol in tPA−/− and tPA+/+ (a) in skeleton photoperiod, followed by release into constant dark (indicated by arrow). There is no genotypic difference in period (b), however it there is a significant shortening of free-running period after RF as compared AL (p < 0.05, sample sizes of RF-tPA−/−: 9; RF- tPA+/+: 11; AL-tPA−/−: 3; RF- tPA+/+: 4). Upon transfer to DD and ad/lib feeding, the unmasked phase of the underlying nocturnal activity rhythm did not differ between genotypes (sample sizes of tPA−/−: 9; tPA+/+: 7) in either LDsk (c) or LD (d). Error bars represent standard error of the mean

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